I've just found you and deeply appreciate the words in this essay...the reminder that God breaths through all nature, that this world is still beautiful and our Father loves it. Thank you!
So excited for this series! May i suggest you check out the substacks of Peter Gray, who writes a Stack called Play Makes Us Human, as well as School of the Unconformed by Ruth Gaskovski. You’ll love both, I’m sure of it.
Beautifully written dear cousin and I too have struggled with what you wrote here for as long as I can remember: "I have never heard a sermon about loving and stewarding God’s natural Creation. I’ve heard sermons about loving humanity, but they haven’t included animals, land, soil, air, microbes, or waterways. I’ve even encountered the attitude that dismisses environmental stewardship as incongruous with Biblical doctrine." Thank you for speaking to this and giving those of us who love creation with our whole hearts a sense of hope that we are not alone.
I've just found you and deeply appreciate the words in this essay...the reminder that God breaths through all nature, that this world is still beautiful and our Father loves it. Thank you!
So excited for this series! May i suggest you check out the substacks of Peter Gray, who writes a Stack called Play Makes Us Human, as well as School of the Unconformed by Ruth Gaskovski. You’ll love both, I’m sure of it.
Ha! I already subscribe to both! (ps, I bought a point and shoot digital camera, from the thrift store for $20, circa 2011).
YESSSSS -- send fotows!
Beautifully written dear cousin and I too have struggled with what you wrote here for as long as I can remember: "I have never heard a sermon about loving and stewarding God’s natural Creation. I’ve heard sermons about loving humanity, but they haven’t included animals, land, soil, air, microbes, or waterways. I’ve even encountered the attitude that dismisses environmental stewardship as incongruous with Biblical doctrine." Thank you for speaking to this and giving those of us who love creation with our whole hearts a sense of hope that we are not alone.