What is Divine Nature?

Divine Nature explores the meeting place of ecology and ancient Christianity, nudging us towards our Edenic roots through thoughtful essays addressing the normalized insanity we live in while endeavoring to show the jaw-dropping wonder of the natural world, the Bible interpreted through the lens of indigenous wisdom, and how all of that can converge into a sense of hope and irrational peace – the peculiar kind – the kind that passeth understanding.

“One cannot sustain that which one does not revere.” —Jonathon Porritt

Divine Nature is intended to heal, inspire, and cultivate hope—thus, it is given freely.

Essays are published about every six weeks, or less (after many revisions and input from editors). The intention is quality, not quantity. Please subscribe knowing your inbox will not be inundated.

About Me:

In the mighty presence of an ancient wild Western Red Cedar.

I believe that we are here for two purposes. The first is to behold with confounding wonder the splendor of Creation and to fully relish in this Garden of Delight - as Adam and Eve once did. The second is that from this place of relishing joy, we seek to be an answer to that prayer “Thy kingdom come on earth,” as we give forward in thanksgiving and praise, living our lives in service to beauty, life, and the healing of our suffering world.

I find inspiration in farming, foraging, feasting, cooking, conversing, creating, and reading forgotten knowledge in out-of-print books.

I have lived in California, Oregon, Washington state, and Germany. While I've enjoyed all these ecosystems and the various cultures that spring forth from these lands, I feel most at home in the mossy Pacific Northwest—where my ancestors are buried. I live with my husband, plants and animals, in rural Washington state—where the trees are as thick as hair on the back of a dog.

In Wonder and Grace,


If you live in the Puget Sound region, consider attending one of my foraging classes.

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A Path Towards Eden through the Wisdom of Ancient Christianity


Alissa is a freelance writer from the Pacific Northwest with ancestral roots in northern Scandinavia and the British Isles. She loves to wander the landscape, forage wild food and medicine, and feast with family and friends.